I could not find a way to sort tasks by due date, which is a basic feature absolutely needed. (iPad)
I could not find a way to sort tasks by due date, which is a basic feature absolutely needed. (iPad)
Was waiting for and waiting for further update.
HTML5 app ? It feels slow and not comfortable to use.. Many bugs in the last version :(
Great app for task managment with multiple projects and teams. Will be prefect if an offline mode is added
Iphone4s cannot login with google :(
I would so like an offline version or even just an offline option that you could tick on or off... The rest is just so well thought up: You can tell that the people who created the app actually use it!
Great update with new design and speed!
It is so easy to learn and use, support are efficient and friendly. So many capabilities. Leading the team has become smooth and fun. Thank you.
We hope to have a french version soon !
The Desktop App is great but some features are missing with Mobile App: No offline Mode, Impossible to create Conversation Team and so slow to synchronise !
You cannot create a project, workspace, follow a conversation. Its really lacking a lot of functions. Its a real drag on work with asana.
Useful to follow up on tasks and project when out of the office or far from you laptop! I like it
The application lake of functionalities and is not super adapted to mobile
Great app, the new design is really nice and UI is great. Guys, please enable sound with notifications. It could convenient when we dont have the phone in sight and we need to react fast.
But what happened to the logo ? :p Seriously guys !
Free, solid, efficient, sexy interface. Cant ask for more.
A great tasks app with the best integrations !
Love mobile and desktop (web) version
i use only asana to manage my project. it is very easy and powerfull. what is missing : with start date + multi owners + time tracking.. it will be perfect .
Great project management app.